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Centralize Social Media Chats

into a Single Management Platform

Warroom is a professional ticket management tool designed for enterprises to elevate customer service. It enhances social customer engagement and satisfaction while being capable of integrating with various internal organizational systems, setting the foundation for becoming a leader in customer service

Warroom Ensures All Cases on Social Media Channel are Resolved

check_circle All-in-One Dashboard:
A single-view screen that centralizes all social media touchpoints ensures no cases are missed
check_circle Automate Ticket Management:
Capable to assign customer cases directly to the relevant department automatically for faster service
check_circle Multi-User Permission Function:
Allows setting permissions and data access levels to support both agents in service operations and supervisors in reviewing team performance
check_circle Message Template System:
Customizable built-in templates for agents that enable quick and accurate customer responses
check_circle Keyword Search System:
Communicates with customers on social media earned channels, enabling quick responses to public mentions
warroom image
CRM Integration

Design Your Right Customer Service for The Best Experience

Warroom is compatible with integration into any solution. It helps manage customer experience by allowing you to design the best customer service system that perfectly meets your customer’s needs

Automated Customer Support with Integrated Chatbot

Design the right Chatbots on Warroom to enhance service efficiency in terms of speed, ticket management, and a capability to automatically forward cases to agents when encountering appropriate situations or when customers request assistance

Integrated Chatbot
Frequently Asked Questions


What is Warroom?
What are the benefits of Warroom?
Can Warroom post content?
Which channels can Warroom respond to?
After a case is assigned, can someone who was not assigned still work on the case?

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