Wisesight (Thailand) continues its seventh year the move to set the standard for creative and effective use of social media by announcing, together with mentors from industries, its readiness for the most prominent social media award ceremony in Thailand, the Thailand Zocial Awards 2019. The award is to honour brands, agencies, media influencers, and entertainment professionals, who best performed on social media. All the major streaming platforms in Thailand will also, for the first time, on stage this year at the ceremony.
Kla Tangsuwan Wisesight (Thailand) Co., Ltd. discussed the social media trend in Thailand that experienced the exponential growth: “It is clear that social media increasingly has an influence on our life, whether it is in the areas of business, entertainment, or society. The analysis and knowledge extraction from this data will facilitate the development of organizations, the society, and the country as well,” Kla said. Based on the actual data from Q3, the data volume from all social media platforms is projected to increase by 43% from last year to 5.3 billion messages in 2018 — ten thousand messages per minute on average.
Wisesight (Thailand) announces its readiness for Thailand Zocial Awards 2019 to elevate the social media standards and recognize the works of brands, agencies, social media influencers, and entertainment professionals for their best performing social media works. “This will be the seventh time for the ceremony. It comes under the concept PLAY: Rolling your data and earns numerous support from experts in industries and academia to improve WISESIGHT METRIC
our social media measurement to reflect changes in consumer behavior,” Kla further added. “We are honored to have this panel of experts which include Prof. Witawat Rungruangphon, marketing scholar from Thammasat Business School, Apisilp Trunganont co-founder and chief technology officer for Pantip.com, Thanadej Kulpitiwan editor-in-chief for BrandAge magazine, Nakarin Wanakitpaiboon editor-in-chief for THE STANDARD newspaper, Surasak Lhueng-u-sakul Founder of BrandBaker digital agency. We also have Yuthana Boonorm President for Gan 555 music publisher and organizer, Chalakorn Panyashom chief executive officer for Digital Television, Workpoint Entertainment, and Wichian Rerkpaisan founder of genie records, for indicators related to social media influencers and entertainment.”
“WISESIGHT METRIC” for the measurement in this year will be in three categories: Brand Metric to measures brand performances, Influencer Metric to measures performance of social media influencers, and Entertainment Metric to measures actors, artists, media figures, films, and television programs. Indicating factors are ‘fan’ to measures volume of audience and followers, interaction
for content effectiveness and interest, ‘sharefor the content dissemination level,
growthfor target audience growth,
sentiment` for emotion and opinion of consumers toward the brand from the brand-managed channels, and, new factor for this year, ‘voice’ for brand awareness from the non-brand-managed channels.
There will be 60 awards from six categories: Best Brand Performances on Social Media by Category (24 awards), Best Brand Performances by Social Media Platform (8 awards, for Facebook, Instagram, LINE, Pantip, Twitter, and YouTube), Best Entertainment on Social Media (11), Best Social Media Influencers (11) and Special Award (1).
There will be also five awards for Best Social Media Campaigns, the awards for brands and agencies that create the best work on social media in this year. Submission will be accepted until 15 January 2019. For more details on submission, see thailandzocialawards.com
Thailand Zocial Awards 2019, the country’s most prestigious social media award, now running to its 7th year — this time under the concept “PLAY: Rolling your data”. The ceremony will take place on Thursday 28 February 2019 13:00-19:00 at KBank Siam Pic-Ganesha Center of Performing Art, 7th floor Siam Square One. For details on the event and the tickets, see www.thailandzocialawards.com, Facebook @thailandzocialawards, and Twitter @zocialawards.